Registration for 2023 Day of Service

The Day of Service is an opportunity for New Trier's community to celebrate our commitment to service. Students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, and the community come together to take part in service projects and, through action, reflect the school motto "to commit minds to inquiry, hearts to compassion, and lives to the service of humanity."
Project 1: Join the Friends of the Forest Preserves
Friends of the Forest Preserves at Watersmeet Woods (right by the Northfield campus) will host a volunteer site for the Day of Service, April 22 at 9am–12pm. Mark this checkbox below if you want to join the group and to get more details.
Project 2: Join a Student Adviser Room/Club
We know that so many of our students are already doing service projects. We would love the opportunity to celebrate them across our platforms. Mark this checkbox below if you'd like to join or support them.
Project 3: Support a Charity/Cause
We know that so many of our alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and community members are already doing service projects and supporting various causes in their local communities and beyond. Mark this checkbox below if you’d like this cause to be featured.
My Contact Information
On the Day of Service, I will: (check one)